Yizkor Book Project
Pultusk Archives on Jewish Records Indexing - Poland
DNA Project
ShtetLinks Project
Yizkor Book Project
Yizkor (memorial) books were written by groups of former residents and survivors from the same town to commemorate
the towns or regions they came from. Most of these books are written in Hebrew or Yiddish.
The Pultusk Yizkor book, written in Yiddish, is available at the New York Public Library web site.
Our aim is to set up a project to finish translating into English the 712 pages of the Pultusk Yizkor Book for inclusion on the Jewishgen Yizkor Book website.
Stewart Bernstein has already initiated the project and a partial translation is available on the web on the Jewishgen Pultusk Yizkor Book web page . We now are taking up the baton to finish the translation.
Join the J-Pultusk discussion group to learn more.
If you would like to make a contribution to the Pultusk Yizkor Book project but don't want to join the discussion group,
please fill in the form below and we will be in touch.
Pultusk Archives on
Jewish Records Indexing - Poland
Jewish Records Indexing - Poland (JRI-Poland) is an important joint project between a group of genealogy volunteers and the Polish State Archives indexing
Jewish vital records more than one hundred years old and posting the indices on the internet.
If family tree researchers find their families in the
indices, they can then order the records through JRI - Poland.
The founder of JRI-Poland, Stanley Diamond, is also co-ordinator of the Pultusk archives' section of the project. You can read about the formation of JRI-Poland here.
If you would like to make a donation to the Pultusk section of JRI-Poland, go the JRI-Poland website. Fill in the form naming Pultusk as the town to which you choose to give your donation.